Wednesday, April 18, 2007

lion - chicago

lion - chicago, originally uploaded by therese flanagan.

Intention is interesting to think about. When I have a camera in my hand and I'm in front of something that lives and breathes, I'm trying to really see it, to see a life force. On most zoo visits, that life force is hard to find, but sometimes you see a whisper of what's innate ... that ghost of the wild. This animal was full of energy on the day I took this shot and the dignity of her bearing was a gift she gave. So, yes, the bars were there and they tell a story, too.

What I do intentionally with a shot like this is I crop it until it feels like it's going to burst out of its borders...I want to create a sense of 'what's an animal this large doing in a space so small?' I think framing creates that tension.

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